The Nooks & Crannies

generally awkward, lasagna loving, red headed, 4th generation artist- who simply has the passion to create.

My job may be better than yours … March 29, 2012

Nannying– it’s what I do 7am-6pm, Monday-Friday (and sometimes Saturday) it’s a blessing and a curse all at once.

As a extremely mature, entirely independent (for finances, insurances, food, and my living situation) 19 year old saving for college; the act of “mothering” 2 infant boys has become my 3rd love (1. Family 2. Art) and my worst enemy.

Some days I grind my teeth. I bite my nails; and I count down the hours, the minutes, the seconds until 6pm , when i can finally eat, use the bathroom and take a shower.

But what keeps me smiling, what keeps me sane, are moments like this picture. These 2 boys are a blessing from God to prepare me for the life I plan on living in the future.

I’ve always believed God had a sense of humor. He’s always answered my prayers in ways I never expected and sometimes question. Faith is challenging. But life without faith is hell; now, and eternally.

Strength has gotten me this far, and strength will (God willing) carry me through this exhausting time. I’m drained of energy but most definitely not of spirit.


All in all-

Carry on.

CARPE DIEM, my friends…Carpe Diem.






My job may be better than yours …

Nannying– it’s what I do 7am-6pm, Monday-Friday (and sometimes Saturday) it’s a blessing and a curse all at once.

As a extremely mature, entirely independent (for finances, insurances, food, and my living situation) 19 year old saving for college; the act of “mothering” 2 infant boys has become my 3rd love (1. Family 2. Art) and my worst enemy.

Some days I grind my teeth. I bite my nails; and I count down the hours, the minutes, the seconds until 6pm , when i can finally eat, use the bathroom and take a shower.

But what keeps me smiling, what keeps me sane, are moments like these pictures. These 2 boys are a blessing from God to prepare me for the life I plan on living in the future.

I’ve always believed God had a sense of humor. He’s always answered my prayers in ways I never expected and sometimes question. Faith is challenging. But life without faith is hell; now, and eternally.

Strength has gotten me this far, and strength will (God willing) carry me through this exhausting time. I’m drained of energy but most definitely not of spirit.


All in all-

Carry on.

CARPE DIEM, my friends…Carpe Diem.






A Break from Life, for Love March 22, 2012

Cheesy, for sure. But it’s what this generally awkward ginger has been up to.

I’ve got to admit though, my art studio has been screaming my name. Besides Ryan, it’s time to focus on my other loveart.

